Tips for Traveling with Babies

This time of year many families are traveling for the holidays. DPG has made a list of 10 tips for traveling with your baby.

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  1. Stick to your schedule.  We know it might make for a few days of overtired littles, but the structure and predictability of the schedule will help them adjust quicker. Otherwise everyone will be up super later when you get home. 

  2. If you’re flying, get an aisle seat!  You know a few trips to the bathroom may be necessary, so make it easier on your neighbors.

  3. Curb check all your bags and babywear if you can.  Our favorite wrap for newborns is the Solly.  So soft and stretchy both you and baby will be comfy for the flight.

  4. If you’re preparing formula bring bottled water!  There is an exemption for baby supplies and medicine for the 3 ounce rule.  

  5. Checkout the breastfeeding pods found in many airports if you’re breastfeeding or pumping. While you’re there you can leave a note for future moms to be encouraged!

  6. Request a bassinet so your baby can sleep comfortably.

  7. Wipe everything down in your area with disinfecting wipes once you get on the airplane.

  8. Bring an extra change of clothes!  Babies tend to get burp-y if there’s turbulence. 

  9. Nursing or giving a bottle at take off and landing will help with their ears popping.

  10. Seasoned parent bonus- Check out Club Bebe Voyage group for lots of good tips for travel with kids!

ParentingEmily Smithtips, travel, baby